accessibility statement 




True art heals.

True art restores equanimity.

Art must regenerate the sense of well-being.

That is its true purpose.

When art is really useful, it serves this ultimate

Process of healing well-being , higher sympathy and Spiritual Awakening 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 —–Adi Da Samraj

Fidget Feet is committed to embedding inclusivity into aerial arts. As part of an Arts Council Capacity Building project, Fidget Feet is one of many organisations working with ISACS, Macnas, Spraoi, IACC and Galway Community Circus with Noleen Hartigan as a consultant to collaborate towards building a road towards a more diverse and thriving sector. Inclusivity is an important element of our work and is a constant work in progress. More information will be published on our website ongoingly. We welcome all feedback.

INVOKING “True Art is healing“ – it is our right as humans to be allowed to create, share and surround ourselves with Art. 

This is one of Fidget Feet’s seven company values as set out in our strategic plan 2022-26


 Free outdoor work 

      • Historically Fidget Feet’s outdoor work has always been free of charge to audiences. We aim to continue to work with local authorities, festivals, and funders to continue to offer high-quality free outdoor work for all. Fidget Feet will continue to provide shows like Clare Mela, Handful of Dreams, and Crane performances as part of Limerick City & County Council and Fidget Feet’s service level agreement. Fidget Feet will offer free outdoor art as part of the St. Patricks’ Day festival in Limerick & Riverfest festival in Limerick 

* Please note that not all Fidget Feet’s outdoor work is free. Some of the work is ticketed by local box office theatres or by using our own box office. However, Fidget Feet will use its best efforts to ensure that much of our outdoor work is free for all. 

** Please note Fidget Feet also tours indoor work for young audiences. These performances are ticketed by local box office theatres or by using our own box office.

Audio Described / Irish Sign Language (ISL) & Relaxed performances 

In line with Fidget Feet’s EDI Policy, we aim to make our performance productions accessible to as many people as possible. 

        • Ceol Connected and Fidget Feet’s 2025 tour of ‘When the Moon Spun Round“ will partner with festivals and venues to offer at least 1 relaxed performance during the tour
        • Fidget Feet’s 2025 and 2026 tours of “H.O.M.E “ will work with Irish artists and Irish Sign Language (ISL) to provide Irish Sign Language-interpreted performances where possible. We will aim to include ISL which sees the interpreter in the performance. We also aim to work towards our first audio-described performance of H.O.M.E in our 2026 tour.

Irish Traveling Community

As part of shows and events which include “H.O.M.E “ and “Clare Mela” Fidget Feet is committed to opening our work and performances to the Irish Traveling Community. To achieve this Fidget Feet continues to work with artist Willzee a ‘travel buffer’ born into the travelling community and who has grown up in foster homes. Fidget Feet will continue to partner with Promenade where we will work with developing producers in the travelling community.


Support True ambassadors for leading change 

Fidget Feet’s aim in 2025 is to start the journey for more d/deaf and disabled artists to see themselves represented in aerial arts. To do this we will champion disabled ambassadors to lead the way. We will work with Erin Ball a Canadian aerialist and double amputee and Lindsey Butcher Artistic Director of Gravity & Levity (G&L) a disabled artist-led aerial company and aerial dance festival in the UK. To run an inclusive and accessible creative exchange and training workshops. To help bring about this shift in practice, both in Ireland and the UK. This shift in sector practice and process takes time; fresh thinking and re-calibrating of habitual and societal structures and perceptions but is integral to creating a rich and innovative sector that is representative of the world in which we want to live. 



Fidget Feet is the permanent company in residence at The Irish Aerial Creation Centre. The National Home for Aerial Arts in Ireland. Fidget Feet supports the IACC’s journey of making the building accessible. 

Find out more

Fidget Feet’s Irish Aerial Dance Festival is based in 2 Donegal venues

It is an internationally renowned festival for the training and programming of aerial performances and aerial dance films. In 2024 the IADF saw 220 participants, 30 tutors, 3 nights of shows and, 1 cinema aerial film night.

We will continue to combat socio-economic barriers at IADF. In 2024 we supported over 27 artists financially to come to the festival.

In 2025 we will partner with ISACS for the first official 100% bursary to IADF. 


In 2023, celebrating 25 years, we launched our new website working with consultant Ciara Gogarty. Our aim in 2025 is for Fidget Feet’s communications manager to continue to improve this website to become more accessible to everyone and will ensure the site complies with certain standards.


If you would like any additional information related to accessibility at Fidget Feet – or to discuss your needs ahead of your visit please email Kara at or contact  087 9887530



It’s Dance! It’s Creative! It’s flying with style! Combining athleticism & creative expression. While using low-hanging trapeze, aerial silks, spirals, hoops & cocoons. A beautiful art form, while having fun and building strength!

Wanna try it out?

Our Aerial Creation Centre in Limerick provides workshops, kids classes, adult classes & bootcamps.