Future Projects
We are full of ideas! Below are a little insight into what we’re thinking about for the next while. If any of this interests you, or if you have an idea you’d like to speak to us about, why not Contact us for more information?
“Rarely do so many arts come together to make something this exciting and beautiful.
The audience sat open-mouthed in wonder…”
– Meg Harper, Director of the International Yeats Summer School
Second Coming v2
We are looking for Irish and international venues, commissioners, funders, agents, festivals or anyone interested in co-producing a new large scale show for young audiences for 2022.

Hip Hopera
Fidget Feet and the Irish Chamber Orchestra (ICO) collaborated in 2014 on an aerial duet using hoop, trapeze and an aerial spiral with called ‘Trapeze’ by Prokofiev , conducted by Jorg Widmann and performing at the RDS and Limerick University Concert Hall. The collaboration was extremely successful both creatively and with audience reaction. In 2018 Fidget Feet and Motionhouse (UK) did 1 week research with their 8 dancers and 8 FF aerial dancers and circus artists at the Irish Aerial Creation centre. Kevin Finnan the co founder and artistic director worked with Chantal on researching possible ideas.
Fidget Feet are now looking for partners to continue the research , create and produce this new show. Work on ideas of how to mix opera music with traditional music , with break beat and hip hop music : to tell an opera using breakdance circus and aerial dance Working with DR. Hannah Fahey who has researched on certain operas that could work for us. She would continue to be a partner in this show.
This piece is still only an idea, so watch this space!
Thanks to baba Shakepeare for the idea : lets hope we can make it happen.